Scope Diagram

  SS-one ZWO Capture

Below, you will find miscellaneous notes on advanced use of Capture. These go beyond the normal access via the Capture unit's touch-panel interface and use the capabilities of the underlying Raspberry Pi Linux system software. While the examples I have here usually show the remote PC as a Linux system, a Windows or Macintosh system could also be used. The main tools used are a VNC client or SSH client on the PC end of an ethernet or wi-fi connection to the SS-one Capture system. Some experience with Linux, the Raspberry Pi, and general networking understanding is recommended.

SS-one Capture Hardware/Software Caveats and Limitations

Much of the information below depends on the underlying Raspberry Pi Linux OS, hardware vendor drivers and Capture features not specifically documented. Currently the SS-one Capture program and Pi system customizations require the use of Raspberry Pi version 1.1 hardware. The system image will not boot on Raspberry Pi version 1.2 or Raspberry Pi 3 hardware. Also use caution connecting to the internet and updating the installed software via public repositories. I especially welcome comments and suggestions from Linux/Raspberry Pi experts regarding these problems.

A Special Note Regarding Power

A special note regarding power is warranted because it is the source of many potential problems with the SS-one capture unit and the Raspberry Pi, in general. The Pi is powered through a micro USB input connector. This provides the 5VDC required by the Pi, but is also then passed along to the four USB device ports. Thus it is very easy to exceed the power which can be provided by the Pi to accessories. This is made worse by the fact that not all micro USB power sources (hubs or chargers) can provide the recommended 2A or more to the Pi. In addition, the use of long, thin cables can cause additional power to be lost before it gets to the Pi or out to a USB accessory.

An overloaded power system will typically cause the USB power line to drop below 5V. This could cause a complete shutdown of the Raspberry Pi, but will often simply cause erratic operation. If you see this, the first thing to check is the system power. It may be necessary to use an externally powered USB hub to connect accessories to the Pi. Note that common USB battery packs often cannot supply the power required for the Capture system and its accessories.

Additional Topic List:

DAK - 14 May 2017 - ZWO Capture 0.2
