Scope Diagram

  Connecting to the ZWO Capture System

Connecting via ethernet LAN

For connection to the Capture hardware to be established, the IP address of the Raspberry Pi needs to be determined. This can be done by connecting the Pi to an established ethernet local network (internet access is not required). On an ethernet LAN, the Raspberry Pi will obtain an assigned IP address via DHCP, so the dynamically assigned address must be found before communications to the Pi can be established (typically it can be found in the LAN router/DHCP server's client address table). Alternatively, use an external mouse and keyboard, exit to the Linux OS, and use "ifconfig" in a Linux terminal window to get the IP address. Note that although the assigned address is technically dynamic, typically the same address is assigned by the DHCP server each time the same hardware is connected to the LAN.

Connecting via SS-one internal Wi-Fi hotspot

Alternatively, if a USB Wi-Fi adapter is plugged into the Pi before boot up, the SS-One Capture setup will automatically establish a Wi-Fi hotspot to which a PC, Chromebook, or smart phone can connect. The hotspot will have the default SSID="ssone" and Pi will be at the default address:

Note: In an environment where multiple SS-one Capture units are present, the fixed default SSID and addresses will probably cause conflicts.

Default Linux user and password

Note: Change these defaults using raspi-config.

Remote access via VNC

Remote access to the SS-one Capture can be established using many VNC clients on Windows, Mac, Linux or smart phones. This is fine for monitoring and controlling the Capture program remotely. However, due to the small screen size (mirrored in the VNC screen), doing tasks on the Raspberry Pi GUI (desktop) interface is difficult. For these tasks, use the Linux terminal interface via SSH as described below. For VNC access, use the IP address and port 5900 (e.g.

Remote access via SSH (Linux terminal interface)

This is the preferred method for accessing the Capture system underlying Linux OS to perform tasks such as backing up files. Knowledge of Linux terminal commands is required.

DAK - 14 May 2017 - ZWO Capture 0.2
