SCKF Promotion Regulations
Approved 12/1/2018
Table of Contents
- General Promotion Regulations
- Shinsa Committees
- Kendo Promotion Regulations
- Iaido Promotion Regulations
- Jodo Promotion Regulations
- External Promotion Regulations
I. General Promotion Regulations
- As a member of the All United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF), the Southern
California Kendo Federation (SCKF) has the authority to administer promotions
according to the following:
- SCKF may conduct examination events ("shinsa") to award ranks of
4 dan and below.
- SCKF shall report the awarded ranks to AUSKF and pay the required
certification fees for each passing applicant.
- SCKF shall approve members applying for shinsa outside of SCKF
as required by AUSKF's regulations and SCKF's internal regulations.
- Examination board requirements
Examination Examiners Number Passing Criteria
----------- ------------ ------ --------------------------
kyu - 1dan 4 Dan & over 5 Consent of min 3 examiners
2dan 5 Dan & over 5 Consent of min 3 examiners
3dan 5 Dan & over 5 Consent of min 3 examiners
4dan 6 Dan & over 6 Consent of min 4 examiners
- Examination boards shall be set by the Shinsa Committee
(see section II).
- Each examination board shall be presided over by a head examiner.
- If multiple examination boards are set for a shinsa,
a chief examiner shall be appointed by the Shinsa Committee to
oversee all examination boards at the shinsa.
- Grading shall be Pass or No Pass (either approve new rank or not).
- Age and practice time requirements
Req Rank Minimum Age Minimum time in practice
-------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------
6kyu 8 6 months practice
5kyu 9 6 months as 6 kyu or 6 months practice
4kyu 10 6 months as 5 kyu or 1 year practice if not 5kyu
3kyu 11 6 months practice as 4 kyu
2kyu 12 6 months practice as 3 kyu
1kyu 13 6 months practice as 2 kyu
1dan 14 6 months practice as 1 kyu
2dan - 12 months practice as 1 dan
3dan - 24 months practice as 2 dan
4dan - 36 months practice as 3 dan
- "Minimum time in practice" means time practicing regularly (not
just a calendar interval from the previous rank).
Time is as of the day of the shinsa.
- 4 kyu is the highest rank that may be applied for by an applicant
with no rank. The applicant must have been practicing for a minimum
of 1 year.
- Applicants who possess a rank cannot skip a rank.
- Examination applications and fees
- An application package shall consist of the application and all
documents required by the Shinsa Committee.
- Examination fees shall be set by the SCKF Board of Directors.
- Application packages and fees are due by the date set by the
Shinsa Committee.
- A new application and fee payment are required each time an
applicant applies for examination.
- Requested ranks on applications are subject to the requirements set
forth in the age and practice time requirements
and the requirements set forth for
iaido, or
jodo, as applicable.
- SCKF member application
- Application packages are processed through each SCKF dojo,
including collection of examination fees.
- Applicants must have the approval of their dojo head instructor.
- Applicants must be paid members of the SCKF and AUSKF by the
deadline set by the Shinsa Committee.
- Non-SCKF member application
- Non-SCKF applicants must be current members of AUSKF and must have
the approval of their AUSKF member federation president.
- Written examination
- Written tests are due at the beginning of the shinsa, as
specified by the Shinsa Committee.
- Written tests are required for 1 kyu applicants and all
yudansha applicants.
- Written tests must be in English.
- The applicant must pass the written test to be awarded the
requested rank.
- Applicants who do not pass the written test may retake the
written test once. The test is to be resubmitted as designated by
the Shinsa Committee.
- Certification
- SCKF shall register awarded ranks with AUSKF for each passing
applicant, pursuant to the AUSKF certification fee schedule.
- Each SCKF member dojo is responsible for collecting certification fees
for its passing applicants and submitting the fees to SCKF by the
date set by the Shinsa Committee.
- Non-SCKF passing applicants are responsible for submitting their
certification fee to SCKF by the date set by the Shinsa Committee.
- SCKF shall receive completed rank certificates (menjo) from AUSKF and
distribute them to the applicant's dojo for final distribution.
II. Shinsa Committees
- SCKF exists to support kendo and the related arts of iaido and jodo.
- The SCKF Shinsa Committee is composed of separate subcommittees
for each art.
- The chair of each Shinsa Committee shall be appointed by the SCKF
President. In principle, the chair shall hold a "kodansha" (5 dan or
above) rank in the art.
- The term of each Shinsa Committee shall coincide with the biennial
elections of the SCKF Officers. There is no term limit for Shinsa
Committee members.
- Each Shinsa Committee shall oversee the administration of shinsa and
promotion regulations for its specific art.
- The SCKF Shinsa Advisory Board is composed of separate subcommittees
for each art.
- Each Shinsa Advisory Board shall be appointed by the SCKF President.
- In principle, each Shinsa Advisory Board shall have no more than two
members who are members of the same dojo.
- Each Shinsa Advisory Board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the
Shinsa Committee for its related art.
- The current SCKF President, the current AUSKF President, and the
current AUSKF Vice President of Promotions may not be members of the
Shinsa Advisory Board.
- Each Shinsa Advisory Committee shall rule on SCKF members applying to
shinsa external to SCKF for its related art
(see section VI).
- For special committee regulations for each art, see the specific
promotion regulations for kendo,
iaido, and jodo.
III. Kendo Promotion Regulations
In addition to the items described under
General Promotion Regulations and
Shinsa Committees, this section describes special regulations
for kendo promotion.
- The Kendo Shinsa Advisory Board shall consist of five standing board
members and one alternate member, who shall serve if one of the
standing board members is unavailable to serve. All members
shall hold the rank of kendo 7 dan or higher.
- Yearly Kendo Shinsa
- SCKF shall conduct two kendo shinsa per year.
- The spring shinsa shall be held in principle on the third
Saturday of April.
- The fall shinsa shall be held in principle on the third
Sunday of October.
- Specific shinsa dates shall be set by the Shinsa Committee.
- The location for shinsa shall be secured by SCKF.
- SCKF shall conduct the following training:
- Examiners workshop, at least once per year
- Kendo kata seminar, at least once per year
- Kendo referee (shinpan) seminar, at least once per year
- Kendo yudansha training (shido geiko), at least eight times per year
- Examiner qualifications
- In principle, each examiner must have participated in the following
- Qualified examiner's workshop
at least once within the past two years
- Qualified kendo kata seminar
at least once within the past two years
- Qualified kendo shinpan seminar
at least once within the past two years
- Qualified kendo shido geiko
at least once within the past six months
The Shinsa Committee shall determine which training events are
- Additional requirements for 3 dan and above applicants
- Each applicant must have participated in the following training
- Qualified kendo kata seminar
at least once within the past two years
- Qualified kendo shinpan seminar
at least once within the past two years
- Qualified kendo shido geiko
at least once within the past six months
The Shinsa Committee shall determine which training events are
- Other consideration shall include referee skills, including actual
time refereeing at qualified tournament events.
- Grading method for kendo examinations
- Kendo basics (kihon) test
- The kihon test shall be set by the Shinsa Committee.
- 6kyu and 5kyu examinations are conducted by the dojo head
instructor with results approved by the Shinsa Committee.
- 4 kyu applicants shall take the kihon test at the shinsa with
a motodachi provided by SCKF.
- Kendo jitsugi (practical test)
- 3 kyu and higher applicants shall perform jitsugi at the shinsa.
- 1 dan and higher applicants shall use the two-person rei procedure
at the beginning of jitsugi.
- 4 dan applicants shall perform kirikaeshi, once striking and
once receiving, at the start of their two turns at jitsugi.
- Kendo kata test
- 1 kyu and higher applicants who pass kendo jitsugi shall perform
kendo kata at the shinsa
- Kata tests
Req Rank Test
-------- ----------------------------
1kyu reiho and kendo kata #1-3
1dan " " " #1-5
2dan " " " #1-7
3dan " " " #1-10
4dan " " " #1-10
- Test results for kihon test, jitsugi, and kata are final.
- An applicant passes if the majority of the examination board
return a "Pass" score.
- Applicants automatically fail if they do not appear at the
prescribed time during the examination.
- Applicants who do not pass the kata test may retake the
kata test once within one year of the examination.
- A new application form must be submitted along with the required
- Applicants who do not pass the kata retest or do not retest
within the one year period must retake all portions of the
examination and submit new applications along with the required
IV. Iaido Promotion Regulations
In addition to the items described under the sections for
General Promotion Regulations and
Shinsa Committees, this section describes special regulations
for iaido promotion.
- The Iaido Shinsa Advisory Board shall consist of three standing board
members and one alternate member, who shall serve if one of the
standing board members is unavailable to serve. All members
shall hold the rank of iaido 4 dan or higher.
- Yearly Kendo Shinsa
- SCKF shall conduct up to two iaido shinsa per year.
- The spring shinsa shall be held in principle on the fourth
Sunday of April.
- The fall shinsa shall be held in principle on the fourth
Sunday of October.
- The Shinsa Committee will determine which ranks a shinsa will cover.
- Specific shinsa dates shall be set by the Shinsa Committee.
- Depending on the situation, the Shinsa Committee may decide not to
hold a spring shinsa or fall shinsa (or both).
- The location for shinsa shall be secured by SCKF.
- Grading method for iaido examinations
Req Rank Test
-------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
6kyu reiho and seitei kata #1-4 (test at dojo)
5kyu " " "
4kyu " " (test at shinsa)
3kyu reiho and five designated seitei kata from #1-7
2kyu " " #1-10
1kyu " " #1-12; written test
1dan " " " "
2dan " " " "
3dan " " " "
4dan " five seitei/koryu kata; written test
- The time limit is 6 minutes to perform reiho and kata.
- 6kyu and 5kyu examinations are conducted by the dojo head instructor
with results approved by the Shinsa Committee.
- 4kyu and above examinations are conducted at the shinsa.
- "Designated kata" are chosen by the Shinsa Committee and announced at
the shinsa.
- 4dan examination shall consist of
two koryu kata selected by the applicant followed by
three seitei kata from #1-12 selected by the Shinsa Committee.
- Test results are final.
- An applicant passes if the majority of the examination board
return a "Pass" score.
- Applicants automatically fail if they do not appear at the
prescribed time during the examination.
- Applicants automatically fail if they exceed the prescribed
time limit for reiho and kata.
V. Jodo Promotion Regulations
Until such time as SCKF has a sufficient number of jodo practitioners
ranked 4 dan or higher:
- SCKF shall not conduct jodo shinsa.
- The Iaido Shinsa Advisory Board shall serve for jodo (see the
iaido promotion regulations).
VI. External Promotion Regulations
See External Shinsa Application
Notes for directions on applying to shinsa outside of SCKF.
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