Southern California
  Kendo Federation    


SCKF 2025 Federation Dues

Please read all information below on how to pay federation dues.

  • instructions for yearly membership submitted in March
  • instructions for membership dues submitted after 3/17/25 ("supplemental")

17 years & under
$80 if new
$110 if new memb
18 & over and full-time student
$80 if new
$130 if new member
18 & over, not full-time student
$110 if new
$160 if new member


  • AUSKF raised its initiation fee to $50 in 2024. The fee is charged for new members (this includes former members who do not yet have an AUSKF ID number; see ausid notes below). See AUSKF announcement on the 2024-2025 membership drive, as well as notes on their last increase in 2016
  • SCKF has just raised its membership fees for the first time in decades, from $14 to $30 for youth and from $26 to $50 for adults.
  • The SCKF membership spreadsheets calculate the AUSKF, SCKF, and total fees for you (see rightmost columns at the end of row 16).
  • All members of each SCKF dojo are required to be paid members of SCKF and AUSKF.
  • The membership spreadsheet now contains a column for email address (this is mandatory for each member; see details below)

Instructions for yearly membership submitted in March

  • notes on payment
    • payment for your dojo should be submitted in one check written to Southern California Kendo Federation
    • mail your check to the membership chair (Jean Kodama)
          Jean Kodama, 12909 Glenda St, Cerritos CA 90703
      or otherwise arrange to have it delivered.
    • send email notification to
    • the deadline for March dues is 3/17/25 (THIS IS A HARD DEADLINE)

  • dues spreadsheet files (xlsx) will be handled in google drive (not by email). Each dojo has its own private area in SCKF's google account.
    • files from SCKF to the dojo will be in the "from_sckf" folder (the folder is read-only)
    • files submitted by the dojo to SCKF will be in the "to_sckf" folder

  • instructions for yearly membership submitted in March
    Note: below "doj" is used for example purposes; your file will have your own dojo's abbreviation, eg "nor" for Norwalk Dojo.
    • download the file "doj_250301_memb.xlsx" from the "from_sckf" folder
      (for example "nor_250301_memb.xlsx")
    • rename the file to "doj_250317_memb.xlsx"
      (for example "nor_250317_memb.xlsx")
    • edit it as follows, and then upload it to the "to_sckf" folder
      • for non-returning members, leave row as is (do not delete or move)
      • add members who were not registered at your dojo in 2024 at the bottom, including auskf id number (ausid) in column C if they have one
        • former members who paid membership from 2006 or later should have an ausid. If you are unsure of the ausid, you can email an inquiry to the membership committee. Or, enter the number "1" and add a note in the comment column.
        • former members who have not paid membership since before 2006 need to pay the new member initiation fee to be assigned an ausid
        • leaving column C blank will result in the AUSKF initiation fee for new members to be added to the member's fees (see columns Z, AA, and AB)
      • for all returning members and new members
        • please make sure the last name and first name are as the kenshi would wish to see on their menjo
        • enter "4/1/2025" in column B to register a member, and add "Y" in column G if the member is a full-time student and 18&over
        • the appropriate columns and dollar amounts will autofill in columns H through L, including an initiation fee for kenshi who do not already have an auskf id number (see rightmost columns).
        • the spreadsheet provided to you is supposed to have protection turned on for the autofill (orange) cells in columns H through L protected.
      • if you need to make any corrections (eg name spelling or birthdate), type the change into the appropriate cell and highlight only that cell in green, then add a note in the "Comment" column
      • if there are any question-marked fields, please provide more information (eg birthdate or menjo)
      • do not add your own formulas, columns, formatting, font, etc; do not reorder the file
    • for each kenshi new to SCKF or who has not yet signed the latest AUSKF release of liability form (note: this form was updated in 2021)
      • collect a signed form and keep it as part of your dojo's records
    • upload any new member menjo files to the "to_sckf" folder with file name "doj_250317_lastname_firstname.ext"
      (for example "nor_250317_doe_john.pdf" or "nor_250317_doe_john.jpg" for Norwalk Dojo new member John Doe's menjo)
    • after saving the file(s) to the "to_sckf" folder
      • send an email to including any relevant notes, such as corrections, menjo files that have been uploaded along with the granting federation and translation if not in English.
      • send or deliver a dues check payable to "Southern California Kendo Federation" to the membership chair (see top of this page). The total amount due will be in cell AA16 of the xlsx file (sum of SCKF and AUSKF fees).
    • THERE IS A NEW COLUMN FOR EMAIL ADDRESSES. This is a mandatory field which is newly required to be registered in the AUSKF database system; it must be a valid email address. The same email address may be used for multiple kenshi, for example:
      • by a parent registering their children
      • by a dojo taking care of their sensei
      • the email address will be used next year for 2026 membership sign ups, which will be done individually (not batch processed through a dojo spreadsheet)
      • Since the email address can be updated online, you can just give your best guess in the 2025 March spreadsheet.
      • However, AUSKF will be sending "account activation" emails to verify their information, so be prepared to respond

    • instructions for membership dues submitted after 3/17/25
      • This will be a completely new method based on individual members registering themselves on the AUSKF membership platform.
      • Note: do not register until further instructions appear in this section (the financial interface needs to be established between SCKF and AUSKF first)


    • 02/19/25: Initial creation
    • 03/02/25: Minor tweaks. doj_250301_memb.xlsx files uploaded to google drive "from_sckf" folders
    • 03/05/25: Additional note on email addresses

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