SCKF Shinpan Seminar
Sun 2/23/25, 9am-4pm
El Rancho High School, Pico Rivera
- online registration (google forms)
- deadline is 2/15/25
PARTICIPATING, indicating age, rank, and whether or not they want
- form includes COVID-19 protocols
- place: El Rancho High School
Salcido Auxiliary Gym
(at Loch Alene Ave and Homebrook St, see
map pushpin)
- sign in closes at 8:45am sharp
- bring one check per dojo for the bento fees ($12 per bento except for
7dan sensei and volunteer shiai-sha who will be provided free bento)
- summary
- participants
- 2dan and above
- reminder: attendance at shinpan and
kata seminars will be required for 3dan and above shinsa
starting April'2024
(see note below)
- 1dan and below (high skill level) may attend as shiai-sha
(bento will be provided)
- 7dan please attend as instructors (bento will be provided)
- dress in keikogi, hakama, tare
- bring shinpanki, mejirushi, referee handbook, energetic attitude
- bring kendo dogu and be prepared to do shiai
- must attend the full day for credit towards promotion requirements
- preparation
- be familiar with basic conduct, movement, flag positioning,
judgment calls
- mandatory reading: FIK Referee Rules and Regulations Handbook
(the latest version is 2017)
- mandatory viewing: AJKF Provisional Shiai and Shinpan Rules in
place until the COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control (see
AJKF video)
- also see
- handouts for this seminar
- note: starting in April 2024, applicants for 3dan and above shinsa
(including kodansha/shogo ranks) must have attended at least one kata
seminar and one shinpan seminar within the previous 2 years; this is
as of the time of application
- sign up summary (including shiai-sha)
ALH 3, CHUO 9, CM 8, COV 3, GJCI 2, GED 10, IS 0
LOS 4, NOR 4, OCB 4, PCI 2, PLNO 2, SD 6, SS 0
STYO 9, TOR 9, VAL 1, VEN 6, WS 0 total 82
2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D total
14 20 20 2 2 10 68
- attendance lists (alphabetical)
- 2 Dan
- Doi, Kazumi (STYO)
- Ho, Jonathan (SD)
- Jang, Kailin (CHUO)
- Kim, Josh (VEN)
- Kuan, Kevin Chi Ya (CHUO)
- Maxey, Martin (PCI)
- Roh, Demian (OCB)
- Rundle, Joe (GED)
- Sentinella, Clyde (SD)
- Stephan, Ron (VEN)
- Takatsuki, Kaori (JCI)
- Tovar, Richard (CM)
- Yamamoto, Shinsuke (STYO)
- 3 Dan
- Bennett, Erich (CM)
- Chen, Paul (GED)
- Choi, Eun Seok (TOR)
- Fujiwara, Yutaka (CM)
- Kao, Chia Ling (GED)
- Liao, Steve (NOR)
- Mizuhashi, Masaki (TOR)
- New, Wendell (VEN)
- Oh, Jin Won (NOR)
- Sambo, Jazel (SD)
- Sasaki, Masumi (VAL)
- Schwab, Melissa (COV)
- Shikai, Yurika (CHUO)
- Shim, Seong (SD)
- Shin, Insung (CHUO)
- Tauchi, Lisa (CM)
- Watanabe, Yoshiaki (COV)
- Yun, Sean (STYO)
- 4 Dan
- Chinen, Masaaki (GED)
- Fu, Linda (NOR)
- Goto, Isamu (SD)
- Goya, Yoshinori (OCB)
- Hagiwara , Mika (STYO)
- Huang, Michael (CHUO)
- Iwasaki, Tetsuya (TOR)
- Kawai, Kent (JCI)
- Kouadri, Theodore (PLNO)
- Maekawa , Yoshiaki (OCB)
- Makiuchi, Teppei (STYO)
- Makiuchi , Kyoko (STYO)
- Morioka, James (CHUO)
- Ono, Clark (GED)
- Premprajaks, Apinya (PLNO)
- Roh, aaron (OCB)
- Taguchi, Takahiro (GED)
- Williams, Nathan (STYO)
- Yang, James (CHUO)
- 5 Dan
- Shinada, Asaki (ALH)
- Yamasaki, James (PCI)
- 6 Dan
- Imai, Hideki (STYO)
- 7 Dan (instructors)
- Abe, Kevin (LOS)
- Arima, Kazuharu (STYO)
- Brown, Jason (TOR)
- Chinen, Katsuo (GED)
- Goya, Yoshiyuki (OCB)
- Hosokawa, Yuji (CM)
- Kato, Tomoji (COV)
- Kinno, Kohjiro (OCB)
- Kodama, Jean (NOR)
- Shinada, Shuntaro (ALH)
- Yuge, Tim (TOR)
SCKF home page