Southern California
Kendo Federation


FIK Shinpan Seminar and AUSKF Kodansha Shinsa
Sat-Sun, 2/22-23/25, Irvine and Cerritos

Note: three events are scheduled for this weekend
  1. FIK Shinpan Seminar Sat-Sun 2/22-23/25
    • register online, deadline 2/7/25
    • for 5dan and above
      • 4dan who are testing for 5dan on 2/23 may also participate
    • cost: seminar $80, saturday bento $20; payment in cash only (USD)
    • Saturday at Butokuden Dojo
      1581 Browning, Irvine CA 92606
      • registration 08:20
      • seminar 09:00-15:30
      • goodwill keiko 15:45-16:30
      • parking is very limited (see green in aerial view); carpooling is highly encouraged
      • wear shinpan uniform (dark blue jacket, grey trousers, white shirt, deep red tie; not keikogi/hakama)
    • Saturday party
      • Kung Pao Bowl, 6840 Edinger Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
      • cost is $40
      • bring your own alcoholic beverage; cash bar also available
      • If you are driving, please do not drink.
    • Sunday at Don Knabe Regional Park Gym
      19700 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos CA 90703
      • seminar 09:00-12:30
      • promotion exam after the seminar (for AUSKF kodansha shinsa see below
    • shiai-sha will include 6 kenshi from Japan and 4 kenshi from Korea
    • additional information
      • FIK information letter (pdf)
        • Shiai-sha & Goodeill Keiko Participants: Wear a mask or shield.
        • Shinpan-in: Do not wear a mask while refereeing. It is up to the individual to decide whether to wear a mask while waiting.
      • FIK handout (pdf)
        • notes from AJKF handbook for kendo shiai and shinpan management
        • points to note as shinpan-in
    • see SCKF attendance list at the bottom of this page

  2. SCKF Shinpan Seminar Sun 2/23/25
    • this event will still take place, location El Rancho HS
    • see link above for details

  3. AUSKF Kodansha Shinsa Sun 2/23/25
    • SCKF participants see detailed instructions below
    • location Don Knabe Regional Park Gym, Cerritos
    • 3 sensei from Japan will be examiners at this shinsa
    • AUSKF is asking for shinsa volunteers (see volunteer sign up form)

AUSKF kodansha shinsa, Sunday
  • steps for SCKF applicants
    1. to be eligible to test, you must have attended at least one kendo kata seminar and one shinpan seminar within the last 2 years (see list of seminars). Note: this is as of the time of your application submission to SCKF.
    2. obtain SCKF approval to test
      1. 5-7dan applicants
      2. shogo (renshi or kyoshi) applicants
        • there will be no shogo testing at this shinsa
      3. SCKF will then handle:
        • approval by Shinsa Advisory Board (do NOT contact them yourself)
        • signature by SCKF president (the signed form will be emailed back to you)
    3. apply to and pay AUSKF to participate in the shinsa
      • Sign up is online, see online application form (this will include submitting the signed approval obtained in step 2.c above)
      • AUSKF's shinsa application deadline is Fri 2/7

  • congratulations to the following SCKF sensei for passing their exams!
    • 7dan: Nagatani Naoki (CHUO)

SCKF attendees at FIK shinpan seminar, alphabetical by rank
  • 4 Dan
    1. Cho, In Ho
    2. Lee, Andy
  • 5 Dan
    1. Kang, Albert
    2. Liu, Kay
    3. Mizobe, Kenichiro
    4. Sano, Nishiki
    5. Sunwoo Eric
    6. Takanashi, Robert
    7. Tew, Tom
  • 6 Dan
    1. Honda, Judy
    2. Kariya, Yoshijiro
    3. Kim, Steven
    4. Nagatani, Naoki
    5. Segawa Minoru
    6. Shikai Yuriko
    7. Tew, Saeko
    8. Vahl, James
    9. Zau Susan
  • 7 Dan
    1. Harada Brandon
    2. Huh Kevin
    3. Kodama Jean
    4. Shinada, Shuntaro
    5. Yang Daniel
    6. Yang Song Yi
    7. Yuge Tim
    8. Zembayashi Takaya

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