Southern California
Kendo Federation


Shinkyu Shinsa
Sunday 10/20/24, 10am
El Rancho HS

  • Location: El Rancho High School
    Salcido Auxiliary Gym
    (at Loch Alene Ave and Homebrook St, see map pushpin)

  • special notes for this shinsa
    • As announced at the March 2022 SCKF Board of Directors meeting: starting with April 2024 shinsa, 3dan and above applicants (including kodansha and shogo applicants) must have participated in at least one kata seminar and one shinpan seminar within the last 2 years.
    • for this shinsa, 3dan and 4dan applicants must have participated in at least one shinpan seminar and one kata seminar from the following list:
    • no tsubazeriai (see AJKF video). Participants should wakare on their own; if not, tachiai will call wakare.
    • masks and shields are optional, though recommended

  • applications are due Friday 10/11 (see submission notes later in this page)
    • cover letter must be signed by dojo head instructor (please use it as a check list for requirements)
    • dojo application forms will be in each dojo's google drive "from_sckf" folder
    • forms must include height/weight and requested rank for each participant
      • "X" indicates a kenshi is not eligible to test at this shinsa
      • however, please note that the absence of an "X" does not guarantee the kenshi is eligible. Please review the shinsa regulations for eligiblity rules.
      • even if a kenshi is technically eligible, that does not mean they are ready to test. Head instructors please review the testing criteria and use your best judgement.
      • for 3dan and 4dan applicants: date of the most recent kata seminar and the most recent shinpan seminar attended (see seminar attendance notes above)
    • names will appear on menjo as they appear on the application form
      • if you wish to make a name change, please clearly note it on your application form and in your email when submitting it.
    • SCKF membership deadline was 7/31
    • non-SCKF applicants: see instructions in the blank form for non-SCKF participants
      • the shinsa is open only to current AUSKF members
      • obtain approval of your dojo head instructor
      • you will need the approval and signature of your federation president on the above form

  • written tests for 1kyu through 4dan applicants shall be submitted online prior to the shinsa

  • sign in closes at 9:30am
    • no late applicants allowed!

  • the following must be practiced at the dojo (there will be no demonstration at the shinsa)

  • see below for more information on the shinsa

  • brief summary of promotional examination SCKF promotional examination regulations
    • 4kyu applicants shall demonstrate kendo basics with a motodachi (see kihon test)
    • 3kyu and above applicants shall perform kendo jitsugi for their examination; grading will be based on the official SCKF ranking criteria
    • 4dan applicants shall perform kirikaeshi (striking and receiving), in addition to kendo jitsugi
    • 6kyu and 5kyu applicants test at the dojo, not at the shinsa

    • rules for requesting ranks (see promotion regulations and recommended skill levels for full details):

      rank   min age   min time in practice
      ----   -------   ---------------------------------------------------
      6kyu      8       6 months practice
      5kyu      9       6 months practice as 6kyu or 6 months practice
      4kyu     10       6 months practice as 5kyu or 12 months practice
      3kyu     11       6 months practice as 4kyu
      2kyu     12       6 months practice as 3kyu
      1kyu     13       6 months practice as 2kyu
      1dan     14       6 months practice as 1kyu
      2dan      -      12 months practice as 1dan
      3dan      -      24 months practice as 2dan
      4dan      -      36 months practice as 3dan

      • all applicants must be in full bogu
      • "minimum time in practice" assumes the kenshi is practicing regularly, eg keiko at least once or twice per week
      • 6-month interval is useful for catching up ranks if a shinsa is missed; the more typical interval is 12 months between ranks

    • written tests are required for everyone requesting 1kyu and above.
      • download the SCKF written test form (pdf) and write your answer on this form
      • tests must include name, dojo, and requested rank, and must be in English only
      • tests must be submitted online using this link
        • be sure to click submit at the bottom of the form, which will open a new page with the message "Your response has been recorded"
      • deadline is 10/15/24
      • tests may be uploaded without participant numbers if they haven't yet been sent to the dojos

    • each applicant requesting 6kyu through 2kyu must perform kihon kata (bokuto ni yoru kendo kihon waza keiko ho)
      • 6kyu: kihon 1-2 (at the dojo)
      • 5kyu: kihon 1-4     "
      • 4kyu: kihon 1-6     "
      • 3kyu: kihon 1-9     "
      • 2kyu: kihon 1-9 (at the shinsa)
      See the kihon kata link for the verbal commands used to conduct the test.

    • each applicant requesting 1 kyu or higher must be prepared to perform kata in front of the board of examiners. Note: #8 through #10 use the kodachi (short sword).
      • 1 kyu: #1 through #3
      • 1 dan: #1 through #5
      • 2 dan: #1 through #7
      • 3 dan: #1 through #10
      • 4 dan: #1 through #10

    • see other shinsa testing notes below

  • shinsa fees for SCKF participants
    • $20 kyu (both youth and adults, at dojo and at shinsa)
    • $30 1dan
    • $40 2dan
    • $45 3dan
    • $50 4dan

    SCKF also charges a $20 "no show" (failure to participate) fee that will be assessed to the dojo if their kenshi signed up but is unable to participate in the shinsa (includes cancellation less than 7 days prior to the shinsa, as well as missing sign in).

  • tentative schedule for kenshi (depending on number of participants).
    Note that we may start early if everyone checks in early.
    • 8:00am: court set up by shinsa personnel
    • 8:45am: start sign-in
      • you must be dressed in keikogi and hakama and bring your tare when you sign in
        • a label with your participant number will be applied to the center flap of your tare (remove your nafuda)
        • note: keikogi and hakama should not show markings (eg dojo patch, team logo, or slogans). If present, they will be taped over. You may do the taping yourself before sign in and inspection.
      • plan to arrive early so you can complete sign in well before it closes
      • follow the directions of the sign in team for when and where warm ups will be allowed
      • applicants requesting 6kyu and 5kyu test at the dojo, not at the shinsa
    • 9:30am: sign in closes all divisions
      • if you are late you will not be able to participate in the shinsa, plus there will be an additional fee
    • 9:55am: all applicants assemble in assigned courts
      • first divisions: bring men and shinai and line them up on the floor according to participant number
      • all participants (all divisions) line up for opening rei in the two courts closest to the head table, lining up by rank
    • 10:00am: opening rei; start kendo portion of shinsa
    • 12:15pm: start kata portion of shinsa

    Shinsa officials: see duty schedule

  • shinsa testing
    • see sample evaluation forms for both kendo and kata
    • kendo
      • be at your court BEFORE your division starts. Even if you signed in before it closed, if you are not in place before your division performs opening rei, you will not be allowed to participate.
      • bring two shinai, in good condition and ready to go (not brand new in a bag, tied with string). Mark shinai with your name.
      • follow the instructions of the tachiai on your court
      • each applicant for 4kyu will demonstrate basic skills (kihon test) with a motodachi provided by SCKF (you will be in full bogu, which you must put on by yourself)
      • each applicant for 3kyu and above will perform kendo jitsugi with two other applicants requesting the same rank (time 60 seconds for kyu, 90 seconds for dan)
      • for 1dan and above, use the 2-person rei procedure to begin and end jitsugi
      • each applicant for 4dan will also do kirikaeshi at the beginning of each jitsugi, once striking and once receiving
      • remain at your court until all participants in your division finish testing, at which time your division will perform closing rei
      • for those requesting 2kyu and above ranks: after your division is done, stay together near your court The kendo test results will be tallied and announced by the shinsa coordinator, who will then record the participant numbers for kata partners.
        • only those who have passed the kendo portion will perform kata
        • if you lack a kata partner, you will be paired with someone who also lacks a partner
        • if there is an odd number of kenshi, one kenshi will do kata twice (the second performance does not count)
        • if you are absent when the kata pairings are recorded, you will be assigned a partner
    • kata
      • kihon kata (bokuto ni yoru kendo kihon waza keiko ho)
        • each applicant requesting 6kyu through 3kyu must pass kihon kata at the dojo
        • each applicant requesting 2kyu will perform all 9 kihon kata in front of the board of examiners, provided you passed the kendo portion of the exam. You will be able to choose, by arrangement with your partner, whether you are motodachi or kakarite. Pairings will be recorded at the completion of kendo jitsugi (see kendo section above).
      • kendo kata
        • kata pairings will be recorded at the completion of kendo jitsugi (see kendo section above)
        • you will have at least 15 minutes to practice prior to the kata test
          • each applicant must be able to perform both the uchidachi and shidachi roles
          • uchidachi/shidachi roles will be randomly assigned (you will be notified when your turn comes on the court)
        • this is not embu; there is no shomen-ni-rei, and uchidachi is on examiners' right so they can observe shidachi's front during kodachi kata
        • if you make a mistake performing one of the kata, you may request to redo one movement. After finishing the entire kata sequence and performing closing reiho, make your request (specifying which one kata you wish to redo) to the tachiai, who will pass on your request to the examiners. The examination board shall not request any repeats.
        • if you do not pass the kata portion of the exam, you may retake the kata test once. This must be done within a 12-month period to avoid retaking the kendo jitsugi and written test portions of the shinsa (see promotion regulations. You will need to pay the normal shinsa application fee. Be sure to specify on your dojo's application form that you are taking only the kata portion of the test.

  • tentative schedule for shinsa officials
    note that we may start early if sign in closes early.
    • notation: E=examiners, C=court coordinator/timer, T=tachiai, M=motodachi
       time   ECTM  description
      ------  ---  -----------------------------------------------------------
       8:00    CTM  set up (courts, dressing area, sign in, etc)
       8:15    CTM  coordinator, tachiai, and motodachi meeting
       8:45    CT   start sign in, tape over any kendogi markings
       8:45   E     examiners meeting
       9:30    CT   close sign in
       9:35   ECT   court meetings: adjust groups for absences, all divisions
       9:55   ECT   line up for opening rei, all participants
      10:00   ECT   rei; start kendo
      11:00    CT   lunch break; set up for kata
      12:15   ECT   start kata

  • the list of examiners and volunteers below is alphabetical (also see list by dojo)
    • Everyone please read the duty notes for a brief summary of everyone's duties. Court coordinators, tachiai, and motodachi please also see the court duty page for a more detailed description.
    • Examiners:
      Please wear coat and tie (not identical to shinpan uniform)
      Abe T (LOS), Arima K (STYO), Chinen Katsuo (GED), Chinen Katsushi (GED), Goya Y (OCB), Harada B (STYO), Honda J (LOS), Hosokawa Y (CM), Huh K (CHUO), Kato T (COV), Kikunaga H (SD), Kim S (COV), Kobayashi K (CM), Nagatani N (CHUO), Shikai M (CHUO), Shinada S (ALH), Steele A (TOR) Takahashi K (CM), Tew T (IS), Yang D (TOR), Zau S (SD)
      Please review the SCKF promotion regulations, shinsa criteria, and evaluation sheet samples
    • Shinsa officials:
      Please wear slacks and a plain polo or dress shirt
      Fu L (NOR), Kodama J (NOR), Shikai Y (CHUO)
    • Court coordinators/announcers/timers:
      Please wear slacks and a plain polo or dress shirt, or keikogi/hakama
      Dong A (CM), Inada C (CHUO), Kariya Y (NOR), Kawai K (JCI)
    • Tachiai:
      Please wear keikogi and hakama
      Lee A (CHUO), Makiuchi T (STYO), Mizobe K (STYO), Morioka J (CHUO), Nguyen E (NOR), Sano N (SD), Segawa S (CM), Shih B (IS), Shimizu-N M (GED), Takanashi T (LOS), Towata N (VAL), Williams J (TOR)
    • Motodachi for 4kyu kihon test
      Please wear keikogi, hakama, and bogu; afterwards you will do bento duty
      Kang T (COV), Ono C (GED), Tada K (STYO), Watanabe S (OCB)


  • application package submission notes (information for dojo representatives)
    • your shinsa application (sa) form will be in your dojo's "from_sckf" google drive folder with the name doj_241020_sa.xlsx, where "doj" is your dojo's abbreviation
    • download the file and edit it per the instructions given above.
    • upload the completed form to your dojo's "to_sckf" google drive folder with the same name (doj_241020_sa.xlsx).
    • have your dojo head instructor sign the shinsa application cover letter, scan it, and upload it to your dojo's "to_sckf" google drive folder (jpg is also ok). Suggested file name: 241020_doj_cover.pdf (substituting your dojo's abbreviation).
    • email Jean Kodama when the files have been uploaded
    • see payment notes below
  • menjo (rank certificates)
    • shinsa results and menjo fees will be sent to each dojo shortly after the shinsa.
    • deadline for menjo payment is 10/30/24.
    • once all payments are received, the menjo order will be placed with AUSKF.
  • payment notes for shinsa fees and menjo fees:
    • please send one check per dojo
    • make payable to Southern California Kendo Federation (not abbreviated "SCKF")
    • mail or otherwise arrange to deliver your check to Jean Kodama (12909 Glenda St, Cerritos CA; Norwalk Dojo) so it is received by the deadline

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