SCKF Individual Championships
Sunday, 6/18/23
El Rancho HS
- application packet (updated 5/2)
deadline: 5/26/23
- place: El Rancho High School
Salcido Auxiliary Gym
(at Loch Alene Ave and Homebrook St, see
map pushpin)
- schedule
- 8:00-8:30: sign in for competitors
(includes shinai weight check for men's and women's divisions)
- 9am: opening ceremony
- see full schedule (estimate)
- special notes
- see COVID-19 protocols in the application packet
- mask will be optional
- toban
- tournament divisions
- non-championship divisions
- kyu divisions
- 9 and under
- 10-11
- 12-14
- 15-17
- 18 and over
- senior dan, 50 and over
(may not also enter individual championship)
- women's championship
- 15 and over, any rank
- must have been a member of SCKF for the 12 months prior
to the Championship
- shinai weight check
will be conducted
- men's championship
- yudansha only
- must have been a member of SCKF for the 12 months prior
to the Championship
- shinai weight check
will be conducted
- tournament regulations
- no tsubazeriai (see
AJKF video)
- see SCKF Tournament Rules
and Regulations for full regulations
- section 4.b.iii: Limitation of valid points
- Tsuki shall not be considered as a valid point for kyu
- Kyu groups shall not use any kamae position except the
standard chudan kamae. Any point attempted from other
kamae positions shall not be considered valid.
- Kyu groups shall not use the nito form.
- as usual, hidari do will be considered a valid point in all
divisions (kyu and yudansha)
- time limits for this tournament
- kyu: 3 min, 2 min extension, hantei (except semifinal and final)
- senior dan: 4 min, 2 min ext, hantei
(except semifinal and final)
- men's and women's championship: 5 min, unlimited extension
- tournament fees
- kyu (17 and under): $15
- kyu (18 and over): $20
- yudansha: $20
- bento: $10
- tournament brackets (pdf)
- tournament results (pdf)
SCKF home page