About Kendo
Kendo is the art of Japanese fencing. The character "Ken" means sword. The character "Do" means way or path. Kendo thus translates to "the way of the sword," a path in life which is followed through the training of kendo.

Origin of Kendo
The story of modern Kendo begins with the samurai and extends over the culture of many centuries. The code of Bushido, "the way of the warrior," stressed the virtues of bravery, loyalty, honor, self discipline and stoical acceptance of death. The influence of Bushido has extended to modern Japanese society, and Kendo was also greatly influenced by this thinking.

Kenjutsu, "the art of swordsmanship," had been recorded since the 8th century, and it gradually took on more religious and cultural aspects. Sword making became a revered art. Zen and other sects of Buddhism developed and the samurai often devoted time to fine calligraphy or poetry.

By the late Muromachi period (1336-1568), many schools of Kenjutsu were established. Each was taught by a famous swordsman whose techniques earned him honor in battle. These schools continued to flourish through the Tokugawa period (1600-1868), with the Ittoryu, or "one sword school," having the greatest influence on modern Kendo. Real blades or hardwood swords were used in training without protective equipment, resulting in many injuries.

Kendo began to take on its modern appearance during the late 18th century with the introduction of protective amor: the men, kote and do and the use of the bamboo sword, the shinai. These made possible the full delivery of blows without injury. It also forced the establishment of new regulations and practice formats which set the foundation of modern Kendo.

After World War II, Kendo was outlawed because of its nationalistic and militaristic associations. However, by 1952 supporters successfully reintroduced a "pure sport" form of Kendo called Shinai Kyogi, which excluded the militaristic attitudes and some of the rougher aspects of practice characteristic of prewar Kendo, into the public schools. Today, Kendo continues to grow under the auspices of the All Japan Kendo Federation, the International Kendo Federation, and federations all over the world.

Although the outward appearance and some of the ideals have changed with the changing needs of the people, Kendo continues to build character, self-discipline and respect. Despite a sport-like atmosphere, Kendo remains steeped in tradition which must never be forgotten. Herein lies the strength of Kendo, which has carried it throughout history and will carry it far into the future.

The above is an abridged version of text which appears many places online (author unknown).

©2006-2025 Norwalk Kendo Dojo. Everything within these pages are property of Norwalk Kendo Dojo and may not be used without written permission.