Scope Diagram Astrocamera.Net - Astrophotography by Dave Kodama  

Dawn Comets - 18 Nov. 2013

Comet Lovejoy Comet ISON

Despite a full moon (all-night "light pollution"), I went out to make another attempt to photograph Comet ISON for probably the last time before its perihelion (Nov. 28). Its tail and overall brightness continues to grow as it approaches the sun, but it is becoming a more difficult target as it sinks lower toward the dawn horizon. Because of the brightness of the background sky due to the moonlight and approaching sunrise, exposures were limited to 15 seconds at ISO 400 (Comet ISON), and ISO 1600 (Comet Lovejoy).


Below, the full moon sets just as dawn approaches...

Comet Lovejoy Comet ISON

Full Moonset at Dawn