M31 - Andromeda Galaxy

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This is a wide shot of M31, the Andromeda galaxy and its two satellite galaxies (M32 and M110). Normally one doesn't see such a wide-angle shot of a galaxy, but to me, this emphasizes the true emptiness* of space. Our "islands" are really, really small in the ocean of the universe!


... OK, here's a concession to those who want a bit of a closer view.


* All of the distinct stars visible are in our own galaxy.

Date/Time:    1 Oct. 2011
Location: Vanishing Point Observatory (OCA Anza Site)
Scope/Lens: Borg 125EDF2.8 @ f/3.3
Camera: Mitsuboshi 6x9 Vacuum Astrocamera
Mount: Losmandy Titan 50
Guider: SBIG STV
Media: Kodak PPF-120 (ISO 400)
Exposure: 4 x 45 min.