California Nebula and NGC1333 Area

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This photo shows the region in Perseus which includes the California Nebula and NGC1333 area. The California Nebula is large and easily photographed but difficult to see visually because it emits largely in H-alpha light. NGC1333 barely shows up in this photo but very long exposures show it to be a very interesting region of turbulent gas.
Date/Time:    10/21/2006
Location: Vanishing Point Observatory (OCA Anza Site)
Scope/Lens: Borg 125EDF2.8 @ f/3.3
Camera: Mitsuboshi 6x9 Vacuum Astrocamera
Mount: Losmandy G11
Guider: Borg 45ED / SBIG STV
Media: Medium format Kodak E200, +2 push
Exposure: 3x20 min.