Scope Diagram Astrocamera.Net - Astrophotography by Dave Kodama

IC2118 - The Witch Head Nebula

The Witch Head is (informally) so named because of its resemblence to a Witch's profile, upside down in this photo which has North at the top. The bright blue star at left is Rigel, which is part of the constellation Orion. The Witch Head itself is in the neighboring constellation of Eridanus.

The line across the top of the photo appears to be a geostationary satellite which drifted by during the 2 hr exposure.



Photo info:
  • Date/Time: 5 Oct. 2002
  • Location: Vanishing Point Observatory
  • Camera: Planet Town 6x7 Vacuum Astrocamera
  • Exposure: 120 min.
  • Lens/Scope: Borg 100ED F6.4
  • Film: Kodak E200 (+2 push) medium format
  • Mount: Losmandy G-11
  • Guiding: Borg 76ED / SBIG ST-V
  • Image Processing: Photoshop
