Women's Kendo Association

See "What's New" for a summary of the latest updates.

The Women's Kendo Association is a support group formed by the women of the Southern California Kendo Federation. ( SCKF). It is an informal organization which meets approximately once every one or two months.

The group's main goals are to promote friendship, provide mutual support and encouragement, and to have fun. WKA is not a political organization and has no political agenda.

For more information, contact Jean Kodama (Norwalk Dojo) or Yuriko Shikai (Chuo Dojo).
Non-political inquiries only, please :-) !

Upcoming Events
7/24/04 Visit from Hiromi Mizu Hisamatsu from Japan
Saturday, July 24, 6:00pm keiko at Tustin Dojo
hosted by Tustin Dojo and e-Bogu.com
To all,

Mizu-san will be coming to LA and we are planning to have a
practice at Tustin Dojo on Saturday (7/24) with her from 6:00PM.

She is 6 Dan, and represented Tokyo for the All Japan Women's
championships. Also, she won All Japan and Kanto University
Championships. I think it will be a great opportunity for the
Ladies to practice with her. This time she is coming with her
husband, who also does Kendo.

Looking forward to seeing you all.  Feel free to send this e-mail

Taro Ariga
8/14/04 PNKF Invitational North American Women's Team Kendo Championship
Renton (Seattle)
seminars and keiko 8/7-13
special guest from Japan: Kumiko Hoshina, 6 dan, Nihon Physical Education University
For more info see the PNKF site

Scrapbook Event write-ups and images
Calendar Calendar of local and other events (note: this now links to the SCKF calendar page)
Future Events Details of future meetings, dojo visits, and project plans
Past Events A brief summary of everything since 1994
Minutes Meeting minutes, past project plans, and other documents
Articles Newsletter articles
Books Books and references
Correspondence Letters and email exchanges
Links Links to other web sites

If you would like to receive email whenever a significant update occurs to these pages, send email with the subject "subscribe WKA".

Note: this site is definitely a work in progress. The initial aim is to disseminate info to WKA members quickly and painlessly. Another aim is "KISS," eg no images unless you ask for 'em, etc. We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Send comments to jkodama@alumni.caltech.edu.